Sunday, July 30, 2006

How the west was won

well, i realize that i have neglected this here blog for quite some time. yes, i realize that simply posting a Sifl and Olly clip doesn't count as "updating" my blog. These last couple of months have been going by super fast. I have moved into a new apartment which, this reminds me that i need to take some pictures of how beautiful it is. I have been on a most excellent float trip with the ol' thursday night dinner crew (sans Neil). After tonight i will have gone to 2 weddings this summer. I have been to Addison's hmmm countless times.

Anyway, i think i will start with the move. I know everyone agrees with me on the excitement surrounding a move. All i could think about for weeks was how i just couldn't wait to be moved in... this of course with out all of the heavy lifting and actually well, moving. I hate packing stuff up. I also hate cleaning up after the years worth of filth that had hidden itself under random places that only Martha Stewart would know to clean. I being a lazy person decided that spending $70 to have a wonderful lady clean my portion of the crappy townhouse, was the best idea for that situation. At any rate i have been moved in for about 3 or 4 weeks... and i still have boxes that need to be unpacked.

Float trip. I think that everyone has been on one this summer. The weekend couldn't have been more perfect. I didn't get a burn. I did get super drunk on friday and was too hungover to drink on the river saturday (damnit!). I have to say some of the best quotes came from that trip... one in particular makes me crack a little smile every time i think about the quick wit of Chris Duncan.

While all applying sunscreen for the days adventures Mike says something along the lines of, "I figure why not just drink the stuff. You are what you eat, right?"

Chris- "Then when did you eat a wig"

(insert drum beat here)

The weddings i have attended have been glorious. Tonight my boss' daughter is going to be getting married. I think its going to be amazing. I love learning about the traditions of other cultures and religions. For those of you out of the loop my boss is Muslim and is from Iraq. Many of his family members will be flying over to see Maice marry this weekend. I have no doubt in my mind that it is going to be a night that i will never forget.

Well, i think that is enough catching up for the moment. If you don't already know I am still happily with Nick. Our relationship is one of the greatest things i have been privileged to be apart of. He said it best last night, "There hasn't been a day in these 6 months that i haven't been glad to know you."

Friday, July 14, 2006

Sifl and Olly

Oh how i have missed them. Thank you to YouTube for allowing me to gaze the glory of Sifl and Olly once again.