Wednesday, December 28, 2005

To Addison's and Beyond!

Last night marked the return of Jenni Dold to CoMo. It was quite the adventure... not really, but, if i don't say something like that at the beginning of a post you might not keep reading. So, I have decided i really do hate shopping. Even more so i hate shopping for dresses. *ungh* I had this picture in my head about New Years Eve... and there is this kick ass dress... then i realized last night i already own it. So, i'm going to just wear it haha. Much better than having to find one at the last minute on Michigan Ave.

Yes, so Addison's. I personally love Addison's. Tasty food and $2 pints of beer are enough to make a broke person like me frolic with glee up to the bar. The have 2 Below on tap for the holiday season. Which, is a New Belgium product. I do like how their website describes it as "it helps take your winter from bearable to downright delightful." Hmm makes me want to go drink so hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps. Oh yeah and i didn't even try the 2 Below but it sounds fantastico! Or maybe i am wrong and everyone should go out and try a super tasty Nutcracker Ale... which, i haven't tried either. But, according to sources it is a far more superior beverage.

onight i leave work and go directly to CJ's apartment. Where we will go off and play on a KC Wednesday night. Then we have to get up and leave at 5:30 in the AM to fly to Chicago! Seeing as how i have a digital camera now i promise to take lots of pictures...

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Back in the day...

I found this picture on a friends photo site. This was taken my Junior year of college. Back when i was younger.... and much more innocent hehe. Just look in at my face. Awwwh so special.

2 days and counting...

Just 2 Days remain until CJ and i make our trip to chicago... i shake with anticipation

Lets begin with the fun and follies of christmas weekend, shall we. I left early from work on friday because i felt like hell. Maybe not hell... but pretty darn close. I had that damn sore throat thing going on and i was feeling very sleepy. So, since i was one of the 5 people who showed up to work (out of 22) i decided to make an executive decision and go home and sleep. I took a 2-3 hours nap then got on the road to StLmo. Yeah, i drove straight to my brother Sam's place. We still had all of our christmas shopping to do.

My bother now has me hooked on watching that HBO series Band of Brothers. For those of you that haven't watched it, its frickin' great. I dunno maybe i'm just a nerd who enjoys to watch the history channel every now and then but, Tom Hanks really did something terriffic. I'm almost contemplating the purchase of said mini series. Its rather 'spensive though... its $90 at best buy (where i got a gift certificate for christmas) but only $60 at Walmart(which, i hate going there as much as Dane Cook hates going to the DMV. ungh. the Kroenke's live here in columbia too so, i might as well go knock on their door and hand them my money directly. hell all i have to do is walk upstairs in my officebuilding and there is the kroenke group. they are everywhere.)

Oh, so for the merryment of chrismas i got to witness the ol' Brasses family temper in full force. My dad managed to loose his cool and pull a U-turn in the middle of an intersection doing about 30+ miles per hour. He spun the back end around like a pro... or maybe he just watched too many Dukes Of Hazzard episodes reciently. At any rate, it was amusing to watch him take some 90 degree turns at 40+ MPH all while yelling obcenities.... if you want to know what little thing made him angry you can just ask me in person. its nothing too big.

My Christmas List:
Digital Camera
Money (yay)
Gift Certificates
Fuzzy Robe
Carry on Luggage

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Super Pumped

Another day at work. So, what do i do you ask? Nothing. I am on here blogging to you. What could be better? Nothing. I am reaching out through the wild world of webspace to touch all of you via mind power... i don't think that made much sense. Anyway, the best part of my day so far has been that when i got to my desk there was a can of Sunkist Orange Soda sitting there. It was smiling, waiting for my arrival. (For those of you that don't know, Sunkist is currently my favorite soda) I think it was an early Christmas gift from a coworker...

The great orange soda debate comes up at least once a day. Chike thinks that Tropicana has the best orange soda. I like to think that Sunkist is perfection in a can/bottle because not only is it an Orange soda but it contains CAFFEINE. There was another person who told me Fanta was the best... I drank some Orange Fanta last night at the movie theater. Nay! Its no where near as tasty as sunkist.

So, as i sip my tasty beverage i type this blog... Its an any time of the day soda. I drink it for breakfast when i am running late. I like to think of it as my super power potion. It makes me peppy and alert for work.


The only thing that would make this picture better is if the guy were hugging the blow up can... or better yet is if it were me hugging the can. *sigh* only in dreams... great now i have the weezer song stuck in my head:

Only in dreams
We see what is means
Reach out our hands
Hold on to hers
But when we wake
It's all been erased
And so it seems
Only in dreams

You've got to admit that Weezer Blue album was pretty catchy...

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Drunk Santa

So, not only are many children terrified of Santa like this young girl in the picture, now Santarchy is giving them a reason to be scared. Here is a great article
  • Crazy Drunk Santas on a RAMPAGE!

  • Or you can just skip that and go to
  • Santarchy