Monday, February 27, 2006

Help My Hula!

Hey there to all who read this,

My lovely and amazing friend Kim Hula is going to be running in a marathon to benefit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I would greatly appreciate it if you checked out her website and donate some moolah to her fund. You can ask Carolyn if you don't believe me about how fabulous this woman is.

Here the site:

Help My Hula

and if that doesn't work here is the web address:

Thanks you all,


Thursday, February 23, 2006

Carolyn's Drinking Survery

1. Have you ever been drunk? I am drunk right now... haha no i'm at work but, yes i have been intoxicated
2. How old were you the first time you got drunk? I was 19. Marching Mizzou damn you!
3. Have you ever gotten/given digits while intoxicated? Yes, how do you think i meet all of my boyfriends? haha i like to keep a haram of boys around just in case.
4. Have you ever 'drunk dialed? hehe i recall a good one from Bourbon St. to Carolyn informing her of my intent to get a tatoo... i think i hung up on her... needless to say i forgot about getting the tatoo because i was too drunk to remember the idea of it.
5. Have you ever been drunk in front of family members? Yes, at an engagement party... wow those little drinks with champagne hit me hard.
6. Have you ever had to cover up the fact that you were drunk? Hmm probably
7. Have you ever been arrested for any alcohol related crime? nopers
8. Have you ever hooked up while being drunk? hmmm see question 3
10. When was the last time you were drunk? Yesterday haha.. no its been a while... the last time i can remember off the top of my head was the day before NYE
11. Have you ever been on a drunken binge? Binder 2004! Binder hits New Orleans and leaves not a drop of alcohol behind... i think that was mainly Sally who drank the most. (recalls Sally falling up the stairs while on a Ghost Tour of Bourbon Street... hurricanes)
12. Do you need alcohol to have a good time? Nopers... tho when i drink goodtimes occour... and so do bad times... i'd say its a give and take relationship.
13. What kind of alcohol gets you the most intoxicated? gin
14. Favorite drink? tom collins.... (gin, sour, sprite... and add a lime too if you please)
15. Favorite beer? There was a Strawberry Pilsner that Flat Branch had.. it was heavenly
16. This question was gross so it's deleted from this survey. Consult Cork's survey if you are dying to know what it was.
17. Have you ever swam drunk? yes, finger lakes and gin bucket
18. What kind of a drunk are you? a fun one... with the occasional sobing... and drama too
19. Is alcohol like "truth serum" to you? hmm sometimes.. other times i become a super awesome liar haha
20. Favorite drinking partner('s)? anyone who will buy me drinks haha... just kidding my frineds of course.
21. Favorite bar? The Berg in como. Harry's in KC. McGurks in StL... or i like the Tin Can with Sara!
22. Have you ever completely blacked out? i think so but, i don't remember.
23. Have you ever puked from drinking? yes, and it always sucks.
24. Have you ever been the 'crying drunk? Ungh, yes, i hate it. i hate crying in general.
25. Can you still do physical activities while intoxicated? yes, i am an acrobat when i drink... i dance, swim, play poker...
26. Have you ever gotten into a drunken fight? nope i don't fight
27. Who is the most annoying drunk you know? all of the fratties and soroity chicks i served at the berg.
28. Who is the most flirtatious drunk? Jen Breedlove... NYE she kissed 3 different guys and just rotated them out depending on who she felt like kissing at that moment in time.
31. Have you ever been hit on by someone way older than you? hmm yes. i think its because i have a sweet charm about me (as you read that i bet you laughed)
32. What's the worst 'buzz kill'? Watching your friend puke and have to hold their head out of the toilet.
33. Have you ever dated a bartender or bouncer or cocktail waitress? Yes
34. Do you ever say to yourself, "Damn I need a beer? No, but i have said that i need a tasty alocoholic beverage.
35. Do Strangers ever buy you drinks? yup on occasion... usually when i'm with Carolyn. Shes my g'luck charm ;)
36. Have you ever drank too much on a date? yes, but it was a date right after a hard breakup so i had to drink in order to get through it w/o crying haha... wait was that an inappropriate laugh?
37. Is there anything that you refuse to drink? yes, tequilla shots... i had a bad night with tequilla. we are no longer that good of friends. she is only allowed to enter my body by way of long islands, margaritas, or IV.
38. Have you ever been drunk on a plane? No.
39. Have you ever gotten drunk during the day? Stop day... and other days like Octoberfest, camping trips, and float trips
40. Have you ever had to run from the cops and leave the booze behind? nope. cops love me ;)
41. What's your favorite drinking game(s)? Not really a big fan of the drinking games. I do like asshole. That is only because it reminds me of Uno.
42. Have you ever injured yourself while drunk? I have had random scrapes and bruises appear on their own...
43. What's the most destructive thing that has happened while you were drunk? hmmm i dunno... ask me this some other time.
44. Ever been drunk at a concert? Yup.
45. Funniest thing that happened to you while you were drunk? Neil loosing his car.. that was a classic.
46. What do you do when someone tries to take or takes your drink? They pay dearly... hmm actually i probably would just give them the death stare. its really scary.
47. Have you ever fallen when you were drunk? hmm yes, on the dance floor at DeJa Vu i have fallen many times because its slippery!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


My friend needs your help:

Monday, February 20, 2006

Ramen ramen ramen...

So, starting yesterday i will have to live off of ramen until tuesday at midnight. This is not by choice really... it is because as usual i have failed to follow any sort of budget. I really try to plan out a budget in my head... then i see things and i think ehhh why not buy it? So, i do and then i wind up eating ramen for 3 days... why ramen you ask? well, its because i never go shopping for food and happen to own a lifetime supply of chicken flavored ramen. (A life time supply cost me only $5!!!) Think of me when you eat your tasty meals... i'll be dreaming my ramen into pizza, gyros, and steak.

My number one craving is an apple. Fresh fruit hmmm so tasty. I think wednesday i will actually go to the store and purchase items to be eaten at home and work. I can estimate that it would save lots of money... an exact number? who needs those.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Mythbuster.... Valentines Day was it created by Hallmark???

So, to those of you that are reading this on February 14th, 2006 i wish you a Happy Valentines Day. In 24 years i have only really celebrated one Valentines Day and i don't really consider myself to be that "into" the holiday. Sure the idea is great but i feel that love should be celebrated on a daily basis. I'm not going to go on and on about how i think Valentines Day sucks or anything but, i have heard people refer to it as a Hallmark Holiday. Meaning, it was inventing/created to sell more cards. This is a theory i am going to check into....

Personally i have found that the best place to find information is Wikipedia. You can type in your favorite TV show and it will have a history of it... go ahead type in Day's Of Our Lives, i dare you!

Here is the best reason why Valentines day is around... and on the 14th.

"The association of the middle of February with love and fertility dates to ancient times. In the calendar of Ancient Athens, the period between mid January and mid February was the month of Gamelion, which was dedicated to the sacred marriage of Zeus and Hera.

In Ancient Rome, the day of February 15 was Lupercalia, the festival of Lupercus, the god of fertility, who was represented as half-naked and dressed in goat skins. As part of the purification ritual, the priests of Lupercus would sacrifice goats to the god, and after drinking wine, they would run through the streets of Rome holding pieces of the goat skin above their heads, touching anyone they met. Young women especially would come forth voluntarily for the occasion, in the belief that being so touched would render them fruitful and bring easy childbirth."

I decided that was the better reason for Valentines day than the Catholic idea

"According to the Catholic Encyclopedia (1908), at least three different Saints Valentine, all of them martyrs and all quite obscure, are mentioned in the early martyrologies under the date of February 14:

  • a priest in Rome who suffered martyrdom in the second half of the 3rd century and was buried on the Via Flaminia.
  • a bishop of Interamna (modern Terni) also suffered martyrdom in the second half of the 3rd century and was also buried on the Via Flaminia, but in a different location than the priest.
  • a martyr in North Africa, about whom little else is known.

The connection between St. Valentine and romantic love is not mentioned in any early histories and is regarded by secular historians as purely a matter of legend (see below). The feast of St. Valentine was first declared to be on February 14 by Pope Gelasius I in 496. There is a widespread legend that he created the day to counter the practice held on Lupercalia of young men and women pairing off as lovers by drawing their names out of an urn, but this practice is not attested in any sources from that era."

Pretty amusing stuff... i think still consider Valentines day as a rather fake holiday. I guess its a good excuse to dress up and make someone else feel special and, that really can't be that bad of an idea right?

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Spiderman spiderman does whatever a spider can...

Your results:
You are Spider-Man
The Flash
Iron Man
Wonder Woman
Green Lantern
You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.
Click here

Yeah, spiderman is pretty cool... i totally have the theme song stuck in my head now (the ramones version of course)